School Ethos & Values

Apex Primary is an independent Islamic school for pupils aged 3-11. It was founded by the Apex Trust in 2004 and later established in Ilford from 2009.

Education starts from the moment a child is born and if nurtured well can provide the strong foundations for confident young minds to excel in later life.

Our motto at Apex is ‘Helping little feet climb mountains..’. This means that we want to provide an environment where each and every child is able to reach their full potential in every sphere of their life, from academic, spiritual to social and the hereafter. We do this by providing a unique learning experience enriched with Islamic values. 

At Apex Primary we have designed our curriculum in order to produce well rounded Muslim personalities with strong ethical values. We aim to prepare our pupils for a meaningful, spiritual life in modern day Britain where they can be conducive to the society at large. Our SMSC provision is designed to equip our pupils with all necessary knowledge, skills and understanding to live as confident, healthy and autonomous individuals with enough resilience and curiosity to question and explore the world around them and make informed decisions. We wish our pupils to become active model Muslim citizens when they leave our school and embark onto the next stage of their lives. 

The Apex Values

At Apex we work diligently to provide a wholesome quality learning experience for our pupils built upon core values which will lead to excellence (in word & action - Arabic; ihsān). The bedrock of our values, is to nourish the spiritual foundation and God consciousness which, we believe, naturally lies in the heart of every child. 




